- 2024
Obahoundje S., A. Diedhiou, A. Troccoli, P. Boorman, F. Alabi, S. Anquetin, L. Crochemore, F. Fassinou, B. Hingray, D. Koné, C. Mamadou, and F. Sorho, 2024, TEAL WCA : climate services platform for planning solar photovoltaic and wind energy resources in West and Central Africa in the context of climate change, Data, 9, 148.
Clauzel, L., S. Anquetin, C. Lavaysse, G. Bergametti, C. Bouet, G. Siour, R. Lapere, B. Marticorena, and J. Thomas, 2024, Solar radiation estimation in West Africa : impact of dust conditions during 2021 dry season, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,
Clauzel L., S. Anquetin, C. Lavaysse, G. Tremoy, D. Raynaud, 2024, West African operational daily solar forecast errors and their link with meteorological conditions, Renewable Energy,
- 2023
Akpoti, K., Obahoundje, S., Mortey, E. M., Diawuo, F. A., Antwi, E. O., Gyamfi, S., ... & Kabo-bah, A. T., 2023, Technological advances in prospecting sites for pumped hydro energy storage. Pumped Hydro Energy Storage for Hybrid Systems, 105-118.
Obahoundje, S., Nguessan-Bi, V. H., Diedhiou, A., Kravitz, B., & Moore, J. C., 2023, Implication of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering on compound precipitation and temperature extremes in Africa. Science of the Total Environment, 863, 160806,
Yoroba, F., K. Kouadio, B. Komenan Kouassi, M. Doumbia, A. Diawara, B. K. Dje, E. Naabil, D. Touré Tiemoko, 2023, Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Variability on Cocoa Production in the Western Centre of Cote d’Ivoire during 1979-2010, Atmospheric and Climate Sciences,
Bamba, A., N’Datchoh E. Toure, K. Kouadio, S. A. A. Ahoua, D. V. M. Kouakou, F. Yoroba, K. M’Bo, M. Cherif, D. Kone, A. Diedhiou, 2023, Contribution of Climate Scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 to the Study of Climate Change Impacts on Cocoa Farming in Côte d’Ivoire, Atmospheric and Climate Sciences,
Kondi Akara, G., Hingray, B., François, B., Diedhiou, A., 2023, Recent trends of urban electricity consumption for cooling in west and central Africa, Energy,
Chamarande, T., Mathy, S., Hingray, B., The least cost design of 100% solar power microgrids in Africa : sensitivity to meteorological and economic drivers and possibility for simple pre-sizing rules.Energy for Sustainable Development,
Aidara M.C., P.A. Fam, D.K. Danso, E.M. Mortey, A. Mbaye, M.L. Ndiaye, A.L. Bonkaney, R. Adamou, S. Anquetin & A. Diedhiou, 2023, Contribution to the building of a weather information service for solar panel cleaning operations at Diass plant (Senegal, Western Sahel), Open Geoscience,
Bamba, A., K, Kouadio, N’D.E. Toure, L. Jackson, J. Marsham, A Roberts, M. Yoshioka, S. Anquetin and A. Diedhiou, 2023, Simulating the impact of varying vegetation on West African Monsson surface fluxes using a regional convection-permitting model, Plant-Environment Interactions, (hal-04237341)
- 2022
Boorman, P., Troccoli, A., Bertocco, E., Boyer, W., Dubus, L., Cordeddu, S., ... & Walker, S. , 2022, Teal : a visualisation tool for non-expert users to explore climate data (No. EMS2022-431). Copernicus Meetings,
Kouadio, C. A., Kouassi, K. L., Diedhiou, A., Obahoundje, S., Amoussou, E., Kamagate, B., ... & Savane, I. , 2022, Assessing the hydropower potential using hydrological models and geospatial tools in the White Bandama watershed (Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa). Frontiers in Water, 35,
Diba, I., Regis, D. S., Obahoundje, S., & Camara, M., 2022, Investigating precipitation extremes over West Africa using two regional climate models from 1981 to 2010. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 35(2), 412-424, Access to the paper
Obahoundje, S., N’guessan Bi, V. H., Diedhiou, A., Kravitz, B., & Moore, J. C., 2022, Influence of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering on temperature mean and precipitation extremes indices in Africa. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 14(4), 399-423,
Oularé, S., Sokeng, V. C. J., Kouamé, K. F., Komenan, C. A. K., Danumah, J. H., Mertens, B., Akpa, Y. L., Catry, T., & Pillot, B., Contribution of Sentinel-3A Radar Altimetry Data to the Study of the Water Level Variations in Lake Buyo (West of Côte d’Ivoire), Remote Sensing,
Vami Hermann, N. B., Blanchard, A. F., Marc, Y. T., Fabrice, Y. A., Bachir, S. M., & Affian, K., Dynamique Passée et Récente et Prévision de L’occupation du Sol : cas du Bassin Versant de la Lobo (Centre – ouest de le Côte d’Ivore), European Scientific Journal,
N’GUESSAN Bi Vami Hermann, KOUAME Aristide, YOUAN TA Marc, Fabrice SALEY Bachir, Kouadio ALLECHY Blanchard, Mahaman AFFIAN, Apport des chaînes de Markov et la méthode Intensity Analysis à la détection et la prévision des changements de l’occupation du sol autour du barrage de Taabo (Côte d’Ivoire), International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies,
Obahoundje, S., Diedhiou, A., Kouassi, K. L., Ta, M. Y., Mortey, E. M., Roudier, P., & Kouame, D. G. M. , 2022, Analysis of hydroclimatic trends and variability and their impacts on hydropower generation in two river basins in Côte d’Ivoire (West Africa) during 1981–2017. Environmental Research Communications, 4(6), 065001,
Obahoundje, S., Diedhiou, A., Dubus, L., Alamou, E. A., Amoussou, E., Akpoti, K., & Ofosu, E. A., 2022, Modeling climate change impact on inflow and hydropower generation of Nangbeto dam in West Africa using multi-model CORDEX ensemble and ensemble machine learning. Applied Energy, 325, 119795,
Obahoundje, S., & Diedhiou, A., 2022, Potential impacts of climate, land use and land cover changes on hydropower generation in West Africa : a review. Environmental Research Letters, 17(4), 043005,
Chamarande, T., Mathy, S., Hingray, B., 2022, The least cost design of 100% solar power microgrids in Africa : sensitivity to meteorological and economic drivers and possibility for simple pre-sizing rules, Energy for Sustainable Development,
N’Datchoh E. T., Kouadio K., Silué S., Bamba A., Naabil E., Djè K. B., Diedhiou A., Sylla M .B., Anquetin S. and Lennard C. (2022) Potential changes in temperature extreme events under Global Warming at 1.5°C and 2°C over Côte d’Ivoire, Environment Research Letter,
Fotso-Nguemo T.C., D.A. Vondou, I. Diallo, A. Diedhiou, T. Weber, R. S. Tanessong, J.P. Nghonda, Z.D. Yepdo (2022) Potential impact of 1.5, 2 and 3 °C global warming levels on heat and discomfort indices changes over Central Africa, Science of The Total Environment, 804, 150099,
Camara, M. ; Diba, I. ; Diedhiou, A. (2022) Effects of Land Cover Changes on Compound Extremes over West Africa Using the Regional Climate Model RegCM4. Atmosphere 13, 421,
Koné, B., A. Diedhiou, A. Diawara, S. Anquetin, Ndatchoh E. Touré, A. Bamba, and A.T. Kobéa (2022) Influence of initial soil moisture in a Regional Climate Model study over West Africa : Part 1 : Impact on the climate mean, 2022, HESS,
Koné, B., A. Diedhiou, A. Diawara, S. Anquetin, Ndatchoh E. Touré, A. Bamba, and A.T. Kobéa (2022) Influence of initial soil moisture in a Regional Climate Model study over West Africa : Part 2 : Impact on the climate extremes. 2022, HESS,
Danso, D. K., Anquetin, S., Diedhiou, C. Lavaysse, B. Hingray, D. Raynaud and A. Kobéa (2022) A CMIP6 assessment of the potential climate change impacts on solar photovoltaic energy and its atmospheric drivers in West Africa ; Environment Research Letter,
- 2021
Danso, D., Francois, B., Hingray, B., & Diedhiou, A. (2021). Assessing hydropower flexibility for integrating solar and wind energy in West Africa using dynamic programming and sensitivity analysis. Illustration with the Akosombo reservoir, Ghana. Journal Of Cleaner Production, 287,
Diba, I., Basse, J., Ndiaye, M., Sabaly, H., Diedhiou, A., & Camara, M. (2021). Potential Dust Induced Changes on the Seasonal Variability of Temperature Extremes Over the Sahel : A Regional Climate Modeling Study. Frontiers In Earth Science, 8,
Doumbia, M., Kouassi, A., Silue, S., Yoboue, V., Liousse, C., Diedhiou, A., et al. (2021). Road Traffic Emission Inventory in an Urban Zone of West Africa : Case of Yopougon City (Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire). Energies, 14(4),
Seyedhashemi, H., Hingray, B., Lavaysse, C., & Chamarande, T. (2021). The Impact of Low-Resource Periods on the Reliability of Wind Power Systems for Rural Electrification in Africa. Energies, 14(11),
Akara G.K., B.t Hingray, A. Diawara, A. Diedhiou (2021) Effect of weather on monthly electricity consumption in three coastal cities in West Africa[J]. AIMS Energy, 9(3) : 446-464.
Pillot, B., Al-Kurdi, N., Gervet, C., & Linguet, L., (2021), Optimizing operational costs and PV production at utility scale : An optical fiber network analogy for solar park clustering, Applied Energy,
Fabrice ALLECHY, YOUAN Hermann N’GUESSAN Bi, Assa Fabrice YAPI, José Ricardo Elfried KOUAKOU et Kouadio AFFIAN, (2021), Évolution passée et future des précipitations extrêmes dans le Centre-Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire : cas du bassin versant de la rivière Lobo, Afrique SCIENCE, lien vers l’article
N’Guessan Bi V.H., Lazile S., Loukou J.A., Saley M. B.,Affian K., (2021), Estimation des concentrations et cartographie de la dynamique des polluants atmosphériques particulaires, cas des PM2.5 dans la ville d’Abidjan : apport de l’imagerie satellitaire landsat8, European Scientific Journal,
Vami N’Guessan Boyossoro Kouadio, Pehe, Bachir Kouadio Affian, Hermann Bi, Hélène Jean-Osé Mahaman SALEY, (2021), Apport des données de télédétection à l’analyse des départs et faux départs de la saison des pluies dans la région de la Marahoué (Centre-Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire), International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, lien vers l’article
Tiemoko, T. D., Ramonet, M., Yoroba, F., Kouassi, K. B., Kouadio, K., Kazan, V., ... & Ciais, P. (2021), Analysis of the temporal variability of CO2, CH4 and CO concentrations at Lamto, West Africa, Tellus B : Chemical and Physical Meteorology,
Pignède, E., Roudier, P., Diedhiou, A., N’Guessan Bi, V. H., Kobea, A. T., Konaté, D., & Péné, C. B., (2021), Sugarcane yield forecast in Ivory Coast (West Africa) based on weather and vegetation index data. Atmosphere,
Diedhiou Arona, Member of the Editorial Board, (2021), Handbook of Climate Change Management, Springer Nature ; Earth and Environmental Science
- 2020
Bichet, A., Diedhiou, A., Hingray, B., Evin, G., Touré, N., Browne, K. N. A., & Kouadio, K., (2020), Assessing uncertainties in the regional projections of precipitation in CORDEX-AFRICA, Climartic Change,
Amoussou, Ernest, Hervé Awoye, Henri S. Totin Vodounon, Salomon Obahoundje, Pierre Camberlin, Arona Diedhiou, Kouakou Kouadio, Gil Mahé, Constant Houndénou, and Michel Boko. 2020. “Climate and Extreme Rainfall Events in the Mono River Basin (West Africa) : Investigating Future Changes with Regional Climate Models.” Water 12(3):833,
Didi S.R.M., Ly, M., Kouadio, K., Bichet, A., Diedhiou, A., Coulibaly, J. S. L., et al. (2020). Using the CHIRPS Dataset to Investigate Historical Changes in Precipitation Extremes in West Africa. Climate, 8(7),
Danso, D. K., Anquetin, S., Diedhiou, Cloudiness information services for solar energy management in West Africa, Atmosphere, Special Issue “Towards Inclusive and Operational Weather and Climate Services to Strengthen Resilience to Climate Change”, Atmosphere 2020, 11, 857 ; https://doi:10.3390/atmos11080857
Danso, D. K., Anquetin, S., Diedhiou, A., Kouadio, K., and Kobea, A. T. : Daytime low-level clouds in West Africa – occurrence, associated drivers and shortwave radiation attenuation, Earth Syst. Dynam., 2020,
Yapo, A. L. M., Diawara, A., Kouassi, B. K., Yoroba, F., Sylla, M. B., Kouadio, K., ... & Yao, K. P., (2020), Projected changes in extreme precipitation intensity and dry spell length in Côte d’Ivoire under future climates, Theoretical and Applied Climatology,
Tiemoko, D. T., Yoroba, F., Diawara, A., Kouadio, K., Kouassi, B. K., & Yapo, A. L. M., (2020, Understanding the local carbon fluxes variations and their relationship to climate conditions in a Sub-Humid Savannah-Ecosystem during 2008- 2015 : Case of Lamto in Cote d’Ivoire. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences,
Tiemoko, D. T., Yoroba, F., Paris, J. D., Diawara, A., Berchet, A., Pison, I., ... & Ramonet, M., (2020), Source–Receptor Relationships and Cluster Analysis of CO2, CH4, and CO Concentrations in West Africa : The Case of Lamto in Côte d’Ivoire. Atmosphere,
Kouassi, K. B., Yoroba, F., Madu, U. O., Diawara, A., Kouadio, K., & Yao, P. A., (2020), Understanding the Split Characteristics of the Tropical Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) of April 9, 2018, in Northern Ghana Using Infrasound Data. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences,
Kebe, I., Diallo, I., Sylla, M., De Sales, F., & Diedhiou, A. (2020). Late 21st Century Projected Changes in the Relationship between Precipitation, African Easterly Jet, and African Easterly Waves. Atmosphere, 11(4),
Todzo S., A. Bichet, et A. Diedhiou (2020). Intensification of the hydrological cycle expected in West Africa over the 21st century, Earth System Dynamics,
Pillot, B., Al-Kurdi, N., Gervet, C., & Linguet, L., (2020), An integrated GIS and robust optimization framework for solar PV plant planning scenarios at utility scale, Applied Energy,
N’GUESSAN BI V. H., ADJAKPA T.T., ALLECHY F. B., YOUAN TA M., ASSA Y. F., AFFIAN K., (2020), Characterization of the drought by the SPI and SPEI indices in the west center of Côte d’Ivoire case of the Lobo basin, Larhyss Journal, Lien vers l’article
Vami N’Guessan Tchepko, Adjakpa Blanchard, Marc Youan Ta, Assa Fabrice Yapi, Affian Kouadio, (2020), Performance of multi-site stochastic weather generator MulGETS : application to the Lobo watershed (western center of Côte d’Ivoire), International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, lien vers l’article
Vami N’Guessan Tchepko, Adjakpa Blanchard, Marc Youan Ta, Assa Fabrice Yapi, Affian Kouadio, (2020), Variabilité et prévision des extrêmes climatiques dans le bassin versant de la Lobo (centre-ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire) : apport des chaines de Markov et du générateur de temps MulGETS, International Journal of Engineering Science Invention, lien vers l’article
Allechy, F.B., M. Youan Ta, V. H. N’Guessan Bi, F. A. Yapi, A. B. Koné and A. Kouadio, (2020), Trend of extreme precipitations indices in west- central Côte d’Ivoire : case of the Lobo watershed, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science,
Assa Fabrice Yapi, Marie Solange Yeï Oga, Vami Hermann N’Guessan Bi, Jean Gautier Oulaï Kpan, Blanchard Fabrice Allechy, Jean Biemi, (2020), Modélisation des extrêmes climatiques de la Région de la Marahoué à partir d’un générateur stochastique de temps mono-site (Weagets), European Scientific Journal,
Obahoundje, Salomon, Vami Hermann N’Guessan Bi, Kouakou Lazare Kouassi, Marc Youan Ta, Ernest Amoussou, Arona Diedhiou, (2020), Validation of three satellite precipitation products in two south-western African watersheds : Bandama (Ivory Coast) and Mono (Togo), Atmospheric and Climate Sciences,
Diedhiou Arona, Guest Editor of a Special Issue, (2020), Trends in Hydrological and Climate Extremes in Africa, Atmospher
- 2019
Assoma T.V. O. A. ADJIRI, Koffi Kouame, J.-P. Jourda (Déc. 2019). Variabilité hydro-climatique du Bassin Versant d’Agneby (Côte d’Ivoire) à l’aide des modèles INSTAT+ et GRM2 spatialisé. Les Cahiers de l’ACAREF, volume 1, N° 3, Décembre 2019. pp. 250-264.
Bamba, A., Diallo, I., Toure, N., Kouadio, K., Konare, A., Drame, M., et al. (2019). Effect of the African greenbelt position on West African summer climate : a regional climate modeling study. Theoretical And Applied Climatology, 137(1-2), 309–322,
Bichet A. B. Hingray, G. Evin, A. Diedhiou, C.M.F. Kebe, et S. Anquetin (2019). Potential impact of climate change on solar resource in Africa for photovoltaic energy : analyses from CORDEX-AFRICA climate experiments, Environmental Research Letters 14, 12403,
Danso, K.D, S. Anquetin, A. Diedhiou, A. Kobéa, C. Lavaysse and E.N. Touré, 2019, Spatio-temporal variability of cloud cover types in West Africa with a satellite-based and reanalysis data, QJRMS ;
Diba, I., Camara, M., & Diedhiou, A. (2019). Investigating West African Monsoon Features in Warm Years Using the Regional Climate Model RegCM4. Atmosphere, 10(1),
Kouame Y.M, S. Obahoundje, A. Diedhiou, B. Francois, E. Amoussou, S. Anquetin, R.S. Didi, l. K. Kouassi, V. H. Nguessan, E. G. Soro, E.K. Yao, 2019 Climate, land use and land cover changes in the Bandama Basin (Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa) and incidences on hydropower production of the Kossou’s dam ; Special Issue "The Water-Energy-Food Nexus : Progress and Prospects”, Land 2019, 8(7), 103,
Kouao, A. K. R., N’datchoh, E. T., Yoboue, V., Silue, S., Attoh, H., Coulibaly, M., & Robins, T. (2019). Exposure to indoor and outdoor air pollution among children under five years old in urban area. Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage, 5, 2,
Mortey, E.M., K.L. Kouassi, A. Diedhiou, S. Anquetin, M. Genoud, B. Hingray and D.G.M. Kouame, 2019, Sustainable hydroelectric dam management in the context of climate change : Case of the Taabo dam in Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa, Sustainability 2019, 11(18), 4846 ;
N’Guessan B. V. H., Allechy F. B., Youan Ta M., YapiI A. F. et Affain K. (2019). Analysis of annual rainfall data by markovian approach in the lobo watershed (west-center of Côte d’Ivoire). STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA,
Plain, N., Hingray, B., & Mathy, S. (2019). Accounting for low solar resource days to size 100% solar microgrids power systems in Africa. Renewable Energy, 131, 448–458,
Silué, S., N’Datchoh, E. T., Diedhiou, A., Quansah, E. and Doumbia, M. (2019) Evidence of Long-Term Trend of Visibility in the Sahel and Coevolution with Meteorological Conditions and Vegetation Cover during the Recent Period. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 9, 346-368.
Yao, A. B., K. L. Kouassi, K. E. Kouakou, B. T. A. Goula, A. T. Gaye, 2019, Évaluation des impacts potentiels des changements climatiques sur les écoulements de la rivière Lobo, Centre-Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire, Afrique SCIENCE, 15, 4, pp. 330 – 342.
Yapo, A. L., Diawara, A., Yoroba, F., Kouassi, B. K., Sylla, M. B., Kouadio, K., ... & Tiémoko, D. T., (2019), Twenty-first century projected changes in extreme temperature over Côte d’Ivoire (West Africa). International Journal of Geophysics,
Yoroba F, Kouassi BK, Diawara A, Yapo AML, Kouadio K, et al (2019) Evaluation of Rainfall and Temperature Conditions for a Perennial Crop in Tropical Wetland : A Case Study of Cocoa in Côte d’Ivoire. Adv Meteorol 2019:1–10. ;
Diedhiou Arona, Member of the Editorial Board, (2019), Handbook of Climate Change Resilience, Springer Nature ; Earth and Environmental Science
VAMI HERMANN N’GUESSAN BI, MARC YOUAN TA, FABRICE BLANCHARD ALLECHY, FABRICE ASSA YAPI, ALIOUNE BADRA KONE, KOUADIO AFFIAN, (2019), Analysis of annual rainfall data by markovian approach in the Lobo watershed (west-center of Côte d’Ivoire), Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Geographia,
Angora Aman, Moussa Nafogou, Hermann Vami N’Guessan Bi, Yves K. Kouadio, Hélène Boyossoro Kouadio (2019), Analysis and forecasting of the impact of climatic parameters on the yield of rain-fed rice cultivation in the office riz Mopti in Mali, Atmospheric and Climate Sciences,
Pillot, B., Muselli, M., Poggi, P., & Dias, J. B., (2019), Historical trends in global energy policy and renewable power system issues in Sub-Saharan Africa : The case of solar PV, Energy Policy,
Al-Kurdi, N., Pillot, B., Gervet, C., & Linguet, L., (2019), Towards Robust Scenarios of Spatio-Temporal Renewable Energy Planning : A GIS-RO Approach, Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
- 2018
Allechy F. B., N’Guessan B. V. H., Youan TA M., Yapi A. F. et Affian K. (2018). Analysis of the future evolution of maximum cumulatives of rainfall in the lobo basin (central-west of Côte d’Ivoire). STUDIA GEOGRAPHIA, LXIII. pp 15-25
Bichet A. et A. Diedhiou (2018). West African Sahel has become wetter during the last 30 years, but dry spells are shorter and more frequent, Climate Research 75(2), 155-162,
Bichet A. et A. Diedhiou (2018b). Less frequent and more intense rainfall along the coast of the Gulf of Guinea in West and Central Africa (1981-2014), Climate Research 76, 191-201,
Diba, I., Camara, M., Sarr, A., & Diedhiou, A. (2018). Potential Impacts of Land Cover Change on the Interannual Variability of Rainfall and Surface Temperature over West Africa. Atmosphere, 9(10),
Diedhiou A., A. Bichet et al. (2018). Changes in climate extremes over West and Central Africa at 1.5°C and 2°C global warming, Environmental Research Letters 13, 065020,
Djossou J., Leon J-F., Liousse C., Akpo A., Yoboué V., Bedou M., Bodjrenou M., Chiron C., Galy-Lacaux C., Gardrat E., Abbey M., Keita S., Bahino J., N’Datchoh E. T., Ossohou M., and Awanou C. N. (2018),Mass concentration, optical depth and carbon composition of particulate matter in the major southern West African cities of Cotonou (Benin) and Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18, no. 9 (2018) : 6275-6291,
Doumbia, M., Toure, N., Silue, S., Yoboue, V., Diedhiou, A., & Hauhouot, C. (2018). Emissions from the Road Traffic of West African Cities : Assessment of Vehicle Fleet and Fuel Consumption. Energies, 11(9),
Keita, S., Liousse, C., Yoboué, V., Dominutti, P., Guinot, B., Assamoi, E.-M., Borbon, A., Haslett, S. L., Bouvier, L., Colomb, A., Coe, H., Akpo, A., Adon, J., Bahino, J., Doumbia, M., Djossou, J., Galy-Lacaux, C., Gardrat, E., Gnamien, S., Léon, J. F., Ossohou, M., N’Datchoh, E. T., and Roblou, L. (2018), Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, pp.7691-7708,
Klutse NAB, Ajayi V, Gbobaniyi EO, Egbebiyi TS, Kouadio K et al (2018) : Potential impact of 1.5° C and 2° C global warming on consecutive dry and wet days over West Africa. Environ Res Lett.,
Koné, B., A. Diedhiou, N.E. Touré, M. Bamba Sylla, F. Giorgi, S. Anquetin, A. Bamba, A. Diawara, and A. Toka Kobéa, 2018, Sensitivity study of the Regional Climate Model RegCM4 to different convective schemes over West Africa, Earth System Dynamics,
Kouadio K, Bastin S, Konare A, Ajayi VO (2018) : Does convection-permitting simulate better rainfall distribution and extreme over Guinean coast and surroundings ? Clim Dyn. ;
N’Datchoh, E. T., Diallo, I., Konare, A., Silue, S., Ogunjobi, K. O., Diedhiou, A., et al. (2018). Dust induced changes on the West African summer monsoon features. International Journal Of Climatology, 38(1), 452–466,
N’Guessan BI. V. H., Oga Y. M. S., YapiI A. F., Kouadio B. H., Biemi J., Affian K., (mars 2018). Caractérisation de la sécheresse météorologique dans la région de la Marahoué (Centre-Ouest de la Cote d’Ivoire) : apport de l’indice standardise de précipitation (SPI). Larhyss Journal, n°33, pp. 41-50.
Obahoundje S., A. Diedhiou, A. Ofosu, S. Anquetin, B. Francois, J. Adounkpe, E. Amoussou, M. Kouame, K. Kouassi, V. Nguessan, 2018 : Assessment of Spatio-temporal Changes of Land use and land cover over Southern West African Basins ; Hydrology, 5, 6 ;
Sylla, M. B., Faye, A., Giorgi, F., Diedhiou, A., & Kunstmann, H. (2018). Projected Heat Stress Under 1.5 degrees C and 2 degrees C Global Warming Scenarios Creates Unprecedented Discomfort for Humans in West Africa. Earths Future, 6(7), 1029–1044,
Mis à jour le 21 décembre 2024